
As impulse purchases go, it was a doozey.

April 19, 2010

The golf bag I drew is based on my own golf bag.  When I was in college I played quite a bit of golf when weather permitted.  Because my friends and I were poor college students, we couldn’t afford to rent clubs and I was the only person who owned a set (a wonderful present from my parents).  This was a problem.  The local course didn’t allow two players to share a set of clubs let alone a foursome.  Our solution:

We each learned to play with three clubs.

My “set” consisted of the putter, a nine iron, and a five iron.  I actually didn’t do too badly.  The original five iron was broken/replaced by one of my friends early on.  He replaced it with a used $8 five iron.   A used children’s $8 five iron.  A used children’s five iron that was also quite blackened and burned from being used repeatedly as a fire poker. (really)

Nevertheless, I can still hit fairly straight and consistent shots of almost 200 yards with my old, used, child-sized, fire poker.  Too bad it’s the only consistent thing in my golf game.


  1. lol. brilliant

    • Thanks!

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